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Sarah Krom
  • MLAc (Licensed Acupuncturist in Colorado)

  • Diplomate in Acupuncture from the National Certification Commission for       Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)

  • Masters in Acupuncture in the style of Classical Five-Element from the Institute of Taoist Education and Acupuncture

  • Certificate of Clinical Western Herbalism from Rocky Mountain Center for Botanical Studies.

  • Certified in Cupping for fascial release, as well as Lymph, Face and Breast



Sarah wanted to be many things growing up, like a writer, an actor, a vet, then in high school she became very ill for a long time. She was taken to many different doctors and specialists and experienced a wide range of alternative therapies to solve her mysterious ailment. Eventually her "problem" was diagnosed as an MSG allergy, and with the return of health came the return of normalcy.  As she waded through the remainder of high school she was asked, "What college are you going to? What do you want to be?" The truth was she had no idea. 
After a couple of years of searching she began a program based on herbal healing in a modern world at the Rocky Mountain Center for Botanical Studies. She was hooked by the simplicity and gentle nature of the herbal remedies that had been around for hundreds of years. She completed the 3 year clinical program in 2002. While she enjoyed working with the herbs, she felt like there was a piece missing. While talking to a faculty member at RMCBS she was turned on to Classical Five-Element Acupuncture. After receiving treatment for 2 years she knew she had found her missing piece.


In 2007, she began the program at the Institute of Taoist Education and Acupuncture for a Masters in Acupuncture. In 2013 she graduated and began her practice. Since practicing she has been awed and humbled by what her clients achieve with the aid of acupuncture.


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