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Acupuncture and Cupping

Classical Five-Element Acupuncture is based on the observations of nature. The ancient Chinese developed their entire medical system based on these observations. Looking to nature you can see when there is a water imbalance; too much water and there is flooding or too little and there is a drought.  In the natural order of things our body, mind, and spirit are fully capable of healing. What I look for when we meet is where the imbalance is within.  


We are working with the 12 Meridians, think of them like energetic pathways, that have access points that I needle to bring balance back to the system. The points are used to effect change in the body by accessing the Qi. Qi is the equivalent of life force or energy found within the body. Imbalance or deficiency of Qi is what can cause disharmony. When we go to the doctor with a complaint, for example high blood pressure, the doctor will ask questions, ask about your lifestyle (nutrition, exercise), and then most likely prescribe a drug to lower your blood pressure. The way that acupuncture works is to look at the whole system to find the cause not the symptom. Why is your blood pressure high? What is the cause? Do you have a really stressful job that creates anxiety in your life? Acupuncture can't make the stressful job go away, but it can help with how you handle that stress. And suddenly your high blood pressure is going down.



Cupping isn't just for the elite athletes. Around the world in indigenous cultures a form of cupping is found as home remedies. What people see is the circular "bruise" that is created. It is not a bruise. Under the surface of the skin lies the lymph system. It is our bodies sewage system to eliminate dead cells and other "trash". What the cup does is bring the congestion to that surface layer, so the body can get rid of it easier. If there isn't any congestion the cup will not leave a mark. 

Cupping can help with poor circulation in an area, "it hurt's right here", asthma and Covid recovery for the lungs, lymph movement, scar reduction... the list goes on and on.




"Several months into my first pregnancy, I was experiencing some pretty severe lower back pain, but obviously my options for pain management were limited. It was suggested I try acupuncture and Sarah came highly recommended by a colleague of mine. I came into the office fairly nervous since I wasn't sure what to expect or whether this type of practice would be for me. Sarah put me at ease very quickly with her positive attitutude as well as her evident experience.The session turned out not only to be very relaxing but I was already experiencing pain relief after just one treatment. I now look forward to my treatments and plan to continue even after I deliver. I would highly recommend Sarah to anyone looking for effective acupuncture treatments in a comfortable and professional environment."

What to Expect at the First Appointment

Here are some answers to common questions about the first time receiving acupuncture.


What should I wear?

The points used most often are on your back, abdomen and chest. Women are able to leave their bra on for the treatment. Wearing pants that are loose enough to pull up over the knee is helpful. To help everyone feel comfortable there are gowns available.


Do the needles hurt?

The needles are as thin as a hair and are made of stainless steel. The needles are used once, then disposed of. Sensations occur when the qi is activated by the needle. The sensation from the needling action differs greatly from person to person and point locations on the body. For some people the points can be intense, for some barely any sensation at all. 


What should I do before my appointment?

Make sure to eat at least a few hours before your appointment. Low blood sugar can be aggravated by acupuncture leading to feeling dizzy. Water is also key. Drinking water throughout the day to stay hydrated, helps the treatment to be more effective. Water is very important for allowing the body to detox anything released during the treatment.


What should I expect after my treatment?

Most people feel relaxed and calm when they leave the table. How we determine treatment regularity is dependent on how you feel when you leave the table and how long that feeling lasts after the appointment. It is helpful to note anything that seems out of the ordinary good or bad. For example, I felt the knot in my shoulder relax after the treatment but it only lasted 5 days. In this way we can work on extending the time period that the treatment lasts and when we can extend treatment out because the effects are holding. 

Sometimes people don't feel great after a treatment. Because acupuncture works at a deep level it can stir up things that haven't occurred in a long time. It is like uncoiling a spring. This should not last very long. Some people feel the shift of treatment on the table. Some don't notice for a couple of days. Everyone has their own experience.



“Why I Chose Acupuncture Therapy:

I have health issues and my mental sharpness is in decline. I also had limited mobility and use of my hands. After the first treatment I regained most of the agility in my right hand. After four treatments I have regained the use of both hands to full mobility. With continued follow ups and with proper physical therapy I am able to use them to their full potential again.

Mental acuity and cognitive impairment. The treatments combined with new strategies have helped me be sharper, and more focused. This one requires maintenance treatments. But it has helped me create more solutions to the  problem. I also struggle with depression and I find that some of those issues are resolved with the treatments.

The treatments have given me more energy, and an ability to shake off much of the lethargy I've experienced from medication and helped me become more active.

Would I recommend Sarah Krom's treatments.

YES! I don't like needles! Sarah is able to put you at ease and the process is never painful. The benefits of acupuncture treatments are worth every moment. Sarah has a beautifully irreverant sense of humor and can make you feel at ease with her wit and charm.

"I never thought getting poked with needles could be so relaxing, but somehow, it is!

Sarah is extremely professional and personable, and I enjoy my treatments with her. I would certainly recommend her to anyone new to acupuncture, like I was."

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